Biblical Feasts and God's Holy Days |
Name |
Choose the Lamb |
Passover | Unleavened Bread |
First Fruits |
Counting the Omer |
Weeks Pentecost Harvest |
Time | 1st month Abib 10 Mar-Apr |
1st month Abib 14 Mar-Apr |
1st month Abib 15-21 Mar-Apr |
1st month Abib Sunday after 1st Sabbath during Unleavened Bread Mar-Apr |
1st-3rd month |
3rd month Sivan 50 days from First Fruits on a Sunday May-June |
Description | The lamb is brought to the household and named. Children play with and love the lamb. | Every household slays and eats a lamb with bitter herbs and bread without yeast. | Eating bread made without yeast; assemblies and offerings. | Celebrates the ripening of the barley as the first fruit of the grain harvest. | Begin counting 50 days from First Fruits to Pentecost. | A festival of joy; mandatory and voluntary offerings, including the first fruits of the wheat harvest. |
Purpose | Unblemished lamb is chosen as a sacrifice on behalf of the household. | Remember Israel's deliverance from Egypt. | Remember how the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt in haste. | Recognize God as the giver of life and fertility. | Faith exercise in promises of God to deliver a full harvest. | Thanksgiving unto the Lord for his abundant bounty |
Application |
144,000 are chosen as prophets. | Sacrifice of Prophets. | Saints remain faithful. | Prophets are resurrected. | Plagues Fall, Saints stand on the Sea of Glass. | Harvest of Souls. |
Rev Scriptures |
Spring Feasts in Revelation Chart | |||||
OT Scriptures |
Ex 12:1-6 Ze 9:9 |
Ex 12:1-14 Lev 23:5 Nu 9:1-14; 28:16 Dt 16:1-3, 4-7 |
Ex 12:15-20; 13:3-10; 23:15; 34:18 Lev 23:6-8 Nu 28:17-25 Dt 16:3-8 |
Lev 23:9-14 | Lev 23:15-16 | Ex 23:16; 34:22 Lev 23:15-21 Nu 28:26-31 Dt 16:9-12 |
NT Scriptures |
Mt 21:1-11 Mk 11:1-11 Lk 19:29-44 Jo 12:12-19 |
Mt 26:2, 17-19 Mk 14:12-26 Lk 2:41-42;22:1, 7-20 Jn 2:13, 23; 6:4; 11:55; 13:1-30 1 Co 5:7 Heb 11:23-29 |
Mt 26:17 Mk 14:1, 12 Lk 2:41-42; 22:1,7 Ac 12:3; 20:6 1 Co 5:6-8 |
Ro 8:23 1 Co 15:20-23 |
Acts 1:1-4; 2:1 | Ac 2:1-4; 20:16 1 Co 16:8 |
Spring Feasts in Revelation
Intro to the Spring Feasts |
Choosing |
Passover |
(Faith of Saints) |
First Fruits |
Counting |
Rev 6 | Rev 6:12-17 Seal 6 |
Rev 7 | Rev 7:1-8 | Rev 7:9-12 | ||||
Rev 9 | Rev 9:13-21 Trumpet 6 |
Rev 11 | Rev 11:1-6 | Rev 11:7 | Rev 11:8-10 | Rev 11:11-12 | Rev 11:13-14 | Rev 11:15-19 Trumpet 7 |
Rev 14 | Rev 14:4-5 | Rev 14:13-16 | Rev 14:6-12 | Rev 14:1-3 | Rev 14:17-20 | |
Rev 15 | Rev 15:1-4 | Rev 15:5-8 | ||||
Rev 16 | Rev 16:1-9 Plagues 1-4 |
Rev 16:10-21 |
Rev 17 | Rev 17:1-13 | Rev 17:14-18 | ||||
Rev 18 | Rev 18:1-24 | |||||
Rev 19 | Rev 19:1-21 | |||||
Rev 20 | Rev 20:1-3 |
Fall Feasts
Biblical Fall Festivals as Delivered to the Jewish Nation
Name | Elul | Feast of Trumpets Rosh Hashanah New Year's Day |
Day of Atonement Yom Kippur |
Tabernacles Booths Ingathering |
Sacred Assembly Great White Throne The Eighth Day Last Great Day |
Time |
6th month |
7th month Tishri 1 Sept-Oct |
7th month Tishri 10 Sept-Oct |
7th month Tishri 15-21 Oct |
7th month Tishri 22 Sept-Oct |
Description | Blow the shofar. Seek forgiveness. Say special blessings to others that their name be written in the Book of Life. | Solemn assembly with resting from daily labors. Commemorated with trumpet blasts and sacrifices. |
A day of rest, fasting and sacrifices of atonement for priests, people, tabernacle and altar. | A week of celebration for the harvest; living in booths and offering sacrifices. | A day of convocation, rest and offering sacrifices. |
Purpose |
Search one's heart and draw close to God to prepare for the Judgment Days . Remember the dead. |
Present Israel before the Lord for His favor. Seek forgiveness first from people then from God. | Cleanse priests and people from their sins and purifies the Sanctuary. | Memorialize the journey from Egypt to Canaan; give thanks for the productivity of Canaan. | Commemorate the closing of the cycle of feasts. |
End Time Application |
Judgment of the House of God (church) Call for Harvesters-Who will work in God's fields? |
Judgment of World Time of Reconciliation |
Jesus Comes |
1,000 yrs dwelling in God's Heavenly tabernacle Waiting for the New Heavens & New Earth |
Judgment of Dead
Scriptures in Rev |
Fall Feasts in Revelation Chart | ||||
OT Scriptures |
Ne 6:15-16; Dan 9:25 | Lev 23:23-25 Nu 29:1-6 |
Lev 16:23:26-32 Nu 29:7-11 |
Ex 23:16; 34:22 Lev 23:33-43 Nu 29:12-34 Dt 16:13-15 Zec 14:16-19 |
Lev 23:36 Nu 29:35-38 |
NT Scriptures | Mt 5:23-24 | Mt 24:30-31 1 Thess 4:16-17 Rev 11:15 |
Ac 27:9 Ro 3:24-26 Heb 9:7; 10:3, 19-22 |
John 7:1-37 | John 7-9 |
Restore the Church |
Reconcile the World |
Wrath of God |
Reward of Saints |
Rest for Earth |
Resolve all Sin |
Renew the Earth |
Step 1 | Step 2 | Step 3 | Step 4 | Step 5 | Step 6 | Step 7 | |
Elul | Trumpets (Days of Awe) |
Spring Feast Days |
Day of Atonement |
Feast of Tabernacles | Great White Throne Judgment | New Heaven New Earth |
Rev 1-5 | Rev 1-5 | ||||||
Rev 6 | Rev 6:1-6 Seals 1-3 |
Rev 6:7-11 Seals 4-5 |
Rev 6:12-17 Seal 6 |
Rev 7 | Rev 7:1-12 | Rev 7:9-12 | |||||
Rev 8 | Rev 8:2-13 Trumpets 1-4 |
Rev 8:1 Seal 7 |
Rev 9 | Rev 9:1-12 Trumpet 5 |
Rev 9:13-21 Trumpet 6 |
Rev 10 | Rev 10:1-11 | ||||||
Rev 11 | Rev 11:1-19 | Rev 11:15-19 Trumpet 7 |
Rev 12 | Rev 12:1-6 | Rev 12:7-17 | |||||
Rev 13 | Rev 13:1-18 | ||||||
Rev 14 | Rev 14:1-20 | ||||||
Rev 15 | Rev 15:1-8 | ||||||
Rev 16 | Rev 16:1-21 Plagues 1-7 |
Rev 16:10-21 Plagues 5-7 The Exodus Armageddon |
Rev 17 | Rev 17:1-13 | Rev 17:14-18 | |||||
Rev 18 | Rev 18:1-24 | ||||||
Rev 19 | Rev 19:1-21 | Rev 19:1-21 | |||||
Rev 20 | Rev 20:1-3 | Rev 20:4-6 | Rev 20:7-15 | ||||
Rev 21-22 | Rev 21-22 |
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